4 Ways to Celebrate the Holiday Season on Your Boat

4 Ways to Celebrate the Holiday Season on Your Boat


The holiday season is the perfect time to get together with friends and family. Whether you're celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or any other holiday, it's a good excuse to gather everyone together in one place. However, if you want to celebrate on the water (and let's be honest—most boaters will take any chance they can get), then there are plenty of ways to do that! Here are some tips on how you can make the holiday season special on your boat:

1. Decorate your boat for the holidays.

There are many ways that you can decorate your boat for the holidays. You can hang festive wreaths, hang holiday lights and even put up a Christmas tree inside your cabin if you have one. Holiday music is also a great addition to any party or celebration on board.

We all love to decorate our boats for the holidays, but some of us are still unsure about how to go about it. Whether you're looking for something traditional or more modern, there are plenty of ways to get in the spirit of the season without spending a ton of money or using a bunch of time. Get creative and use inspiration form others. Decorating your boat for the holiday season will set a festive atmosphere that will help you and your family get into the holiday spirit.



2. Host a holiday party on the water.

Hosting a holiday party on your boat is the perfect way to celebrate the season. Not only will your guests be able to enjoy the beautiful views, but they'll also be able to take part in some of your favorite activities. When it comes to holiday boat parties, it's important to prepare for your guests. Before you set sail, make sure that there are enough life vests on board. Since water can be unpredictable, it's important to stay safe and have extra life jackets in case of emergencies.

Consider inviting friends who love boating as much as you do! This can be a great way to connect with those who share your passion for the water. You may even want to invite some folks who aren't so keen on venturing onto boats—it'll give them an opportunity to see how much fun being out on the ocean can be!

Have plenty of snacks and festive drinks available for your guests, as well as fun activities and games for them to participate in. Another fun tip is to tell everyone in advanced to dress for the holiday (ugly sweaters, Santa hats, onesie pajamas). Whether you want to go for a short cruise or take a longer trip, a holiday party on your boat is a great way to spend time with family and friends.



3. Attend a holiday boat parade.

A holiday boat parade is a great time to get together with friends and family to enjoy the beauty of the season. The boats are decorated in many different ways, with lots of lights and tinsel, making for quite a beautiful sight on the water. Holiday boat parades usually take place in the evening at your local marina or harbor, and can be seen from land or water.

If you’re interested in attending or participating in one of these events, we recommend contacting your local marina or harbor for more details about how to do so safely and responsibly.



4. Organize a boaters-only gift exchange.

A boaters-only gift exchange is an easy way to get your boater friends and family together for the holidays. It's also a great way to celebrate the holiday season with them while spending time on your boat.

The best way to organize this event is by sending out invitations well ahead of time so everyone has plenty of time to plan their outfits and intentions for participation in this festive tradition.

Once everyone has RSVPed yes or no (or maybe), you can start planning what kind of gifts should be brought along; these should ideally reflect your interest in boating or any other activities associated with being on water. It can include fun boating gadgets, boat-themed apparel, or anything you and your boater friends and family agree upon.

If you're looking for a fun way to get your boating group together, consider organizing a boaters-only gift exchange this holiday season.



Boating can be a big part of your holiday season!

The holidays are a great time to get together with family and friends, but you may find yourself in a new location this year. If your boat offers the perfect place for gatherings like these, here's a recap of some of the ideas we mentioned above to help ensure that your holiday celebrations are as fun and festive as possible.

Boat parties: The best way to celebrate the holidays on your boat is by having a party! It doesn't have to be anything elaborate—just buy some food, invite friends over, and let the good times roll. If you're feeling extra ambitious (or if there will be kids in attendance), try making decorations with paper plates or turning on some festive music while setting up decorations around the boat.

Boat parades: If there's an upcoming holiday parade nearby that allows boats in it (many do!), consider participating! You'll have an opportunity to show off your boat's decorations while also spreading joy throughout town—a win-win situation! Plus, many cities offer incentives for those who participate; check out what kind of deals other families have gotten in years past so you can plan accordingly when budgeting for next year's festivities.

Boaters-only gift exchanges: While this might not seem like something worth celebrating at first glance (it's just another gift exchange), these occasions actually provide great opportunities for people from all walks of life who share one commonality: their love of boating! You can use social media sites such as Facebook or Twitter as well as local newspapers' classified ads section during Thanksgiving week (or even earlier) before December 1st so everyone has time to prepare for a fun-filled event on the water.

We hope these ideas have helped you get excited about the holiday season. We know that boating can be an important part of your life, so we want to make sure that you take advantage of everything it has to offer! Whether it’s decorating your boat or hosting a holiday party on the water, try some of these great ideas to enjoy this season on your boat.